The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

By Beatrix Potter

  • Release Date: 2014-03-11
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
Score: 4 (From 18 Ratings)


The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a British children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter that follows mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he is chased about the garden of Mr. McGregor. He escapes and returns home to his mother who puts him to bed after dosing him with camomile tea. The tale was written for five-year-old Noel Moore, son of Potter's former governess Annie Carter Moore, in 1893. It was revised and privately printed by Potter in 1901 after several publishers' rejections but was printed in a trade edition by Frederick Warne & Co. in 1902. The book was a success, and multiple reprints were issued in the years immediately following its debut.

* Fixed layout format.
* The words are highlighted when a human is spoken.
* Read along narrated in a human voice.
* Look up a word in the built-in dictionaries.
