The Two Hour Author - Vince Massara

The Two Hour Author

By Vince Massara

  • Release Date: 2019-04-21
  • Genre: Industries & Professions


Did You Know It's Possible To Become An Author In Under Two Hours?

It's True, You Can Have Your First Book Outlined, Written and Published in Under 2 Hours

Yep. It has never been easier to become an author… seriously

By now you probably already know at many of the benefits that being an author can have on your business.

You know that being an author will help you qualify and convert more leads than ever before. You know that your book can be your ultimate marketing tool.

You may even already know that you can use your book to grow your personal brand and appear on podcasts and in media, turning you into the industry authority.

However, more than likely, the main thing that is holding you back is actually writing your book.

That's where we usually come in. We help business owners just like you get your first book outlined, written and published as a paperback in under two hours of your time.

The process is pretty simple... and it is all covered in The 2 Hour Author
We outline your book based off the problem you're solving and the market you're working with.We record a podcast-style interview where you get to talk about your ideas and passionately talk about your topic.The writing, editing, cover design, and publishing is sorted for you.
However, I know that not everyone can work with us. That is why I wrote The 2 Hour Author, so business owners like you can take control and write your own book. 

Of course, as you know, leveraging time is key. So to be a full 2 Hour Author, you'll need to outsource some parts of your process. However, if you want to do it all yourself, our process will save you months of writing. 
