I Had a Dream the other night about my Destiny - Eric B. Schultz

I Had a Dream the other night about my Destiny

By Eric B. Schultz

  • Release Date: 2018-09-05
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


I had a dream the other night about my destiny

This book goes where few others have dared to go. It thus makes for a truly unusual journey, featuring an ex-military South-African man and the growing complex relationships he experiences within himself, and with his powerful dreams and three identical women, who dominate not only his life, but also his dreams and nightmares. And just as hard as it is to believe that what gradually unfolds, is the truth or based on it, also hard it will be to ever forget that a man in love will do things for love that he would not otherwise do.

One task, the most difficult, was that of conquering the heart of the woman he loves, the one that his soul refers to as his soul mate. The same woman, who inspired the writing of this book, who he, according to his soul, believe it or not, has loved for more than a thousand years, which she has no memory of. Or does she?
