Super Nature Encyclopedia - DK

Super Nature Encyclopedia


  • Release Date: 2012-09-17
  • Genre: Animals for Kids
Score: 4 (From 33 Ratings)


How can a cheetah accelerate from 0-40mph in three seconds?

Produced in conjunction with the experts at the Smithsonian Institution, Super Nature Encyclopedia gives you the surprising answers to your questions about the natural world, taking you behind the scenes and "under the skin" of animals to uncover the secrets of their behavior and anatomy.

With 25 galleries showcasing 90 animal species, Super Nature Encyclopedia spotlights the world's most fascinating animals and explores their anatomy in vivid, inspiring visual detail.

See some of nature's most stunning creatures up close and inside-out through amazing video, breathtaking photographs, and interactive 3-D skeletons and cross-sections to touch and explore.

Available for the iPad
