Relaci贸n y Amor - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Relaci贸n y Amor

By Jiddu Krishnamurti

  • Release Date: 2009-10-01
  • Genre: Spirituality


Enlightening and inspiring, this analysis highlights the importance of meditation鈥攖he act of ridding the mind of all falsehood鈥攁s a path that leads to a more authentic and freer relationship with one鈥檚 inner self and, as a result, with the surrounding people and environment. This examination also provides an astute reflection of daily life, in all its simplicity and complexity, by dissecting various scenarios and situations, always placing them within the framework of an exterior beauty that is often difficult to perceive. A DVD of lectures given by the author is additionally included.

Iluminador e inspirante, este an谩lisis destaca la importancia de la meditaci贸n鈥攅l acto de liberar a la mente de toda falsedad鈥攃omo una v铆a que conduce a una relaci贸n m谩s aut茅ntica y libre con el ser interior y, por tanto, con los dem谩s y con la naturaleza. Esta investigaci贸n tambi茅n provee una reflexi贸n astuta de la vida cotidiana, con toda su sencillez y complejidad, disecando diversas situaciones, enmarcadas siempre con descripciones de la belleza exterior que puede ser dif铆cil de percibir. Se incluye adicionalmente un DVD de conferencias dadas por el autor.
